For the past few days, actress Ahaana Krishna has been exploring the Land of Smiles, Thailand. The actress is having a gala time attending the concert by the South Korean girl group Black Pink, clicking pictures against the beautiful Bangkok skyline, enjoying Thailand's own mango sticky rice and more.

In her latest photoshoot at Phi Phi Islands in the country, Ahaana can be seen dressed in a baby pink mermaid gown, striking the classic poses against a rock on the bank of a pristine water body. Her beautifully sequined gown looks tailor-made for the beautiful artiste, who is all regal in the costume.


The Phi Phi Islands is famous as the location for the Oscar winner director Danny Boyle's Leonardo DiCaprio movie 'The Beach.' The Island has some renowned tourist sites including 'Monkey Beach,' 'Viking Cave,' 'May Bay' and 'Laem Tong Beach.' 

The delicious food
Ahaana, who also shared some clicks of her enjoying the delicious mango sticky rice, opined that it tasted like a 'Thai cousin sister' of rice and the Kerala special 'mambazha pulisseri' curry. 


The dish, which is prepared with rice, palm sugar or jaggery, coconut milk and flakes and Thailand's own Nam Dok Mai mangoes as the key ingredients, is called 'Khao niao mamuang' in the country. It is a commonly available street food in the country, especially in April and May, the mango season.