Sufiyum Sujathayum is the first ever Malayalam flick to be released on an OTT (over the top) platform. Debutant Dev Mohan, who essayed the role of Sufi with great ease and alacrity, became a favourite of movie buffs. Dev, who is an avid traveller, is of the opinion that each journey brings novel experiences and adds new dimension to life.

A night under open sky in desert


Though Dev has travelled to many foreign and domestic destinations, he is in awe with Rajasthan. The actor visited Rajasthan last year and according to him the north Indian state has lot to offer in terms of culture, heritage and history. "It is a storehouse of happenings that leave an impression on the travellers," adds Dev.

Before the shooting schedule of Sufiyum Sujathayum began, the actor decided to visit Ajmer dargah, the abode of Sufi saint Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti between 1192 and 1236 AD, in Rajasthan to get an inspiration for his role in the movie. But unfortunately, Dev didn't get an opportunity to visit the dargah or know more about Sufism. "But the journey was memorable for me. I went to Rajasthan with my friend and had been to majority of places including Jaipur and Jaisalmer. The only tourist spot we couldn't visit was Udaipur," the actor says.


The most beautiful night


Over and above visiting new places, Dev loves to know more about the local people and cuisines. During the actor and friend’s trip to Rajasthan, they kept away from bustling tourist spots and were in search of unique and secluded places. And that's when the duo decided to spend some time in desert and the trip to the middle of the desert was an unforgettable experience for the actor. Car drive and camel ride will take you to the middle of the desert. Usually, the tour packages will include stay in a tent in the desert, but Dev's travel experience to the desert was totally different. "Lying on a carpet spread on sand during a cold night was a magical experience. I haven't seen a more beautiful night in my life. The sunrise in the desert was equally enchanting. Though I have travelled to many countries, an overnight stay in desert was pure bliss," Dev notes. People travelling to Rajasthan should stay one night in the desert, he notes.


Istanbul – the dream land

Dev admits that he doesn't have a concept of dream destination and his mantra is to travel to as many places as possible. It is the actor’s long-cherished desire to travel to Istanbul in Turkey that is known for its captivating beauty and charm. This is a dream place where there is a perfect blend of antiquity and modernity. As Istanbul connects Asia and Europe, one can find the cultures of both these continents in this metropolitan city. This diversity is quite evident in places of worship, cuisines, dance forms and shopping streets, and the actor hopes to visit this incredible city in the near future. Dev had planned to visit Istanbul, where Sufism flourishes, this year but the COVID-19 pandemic had poured cold water on his plans. "I will be first travelling to Istanbul when things are back to normal. The culture and lifestyle of Istanbul are endearing. Another dream is an all-India tour and I want to explore north-east India," he notes.