Actress Rima Kallingal has shared a video shot earlier which shows her on the Love Beach in The Bahamas. According to Rima, the video is posted in connection with the ‘International Day for Clean Air for Blue Skies’ on September 7.

The day was observed with the aim of keeping the air clean. In her post, the actress said, “By putting up this picture in blue, I support the campaign to keep my air clean. I am part of the problem and I will be part of the solution.”


The celebrity also challenged five of her friends to post similar photos or videos supporting policies that seek to make the air clean.

In fact, it was for the first time that an International Day for Clean Air for Blue Skies was observed this year. This was following a call by the UN General Assembly during December last year. One of the programmes planned for the day was creating awareness among the people on strengthening the initiatives at the local, national and international levels to improve the quality of air with the support of celebrities active in this field.


Love Beach

The charming Love Beach is located around 10 miles west of Nassau, the capital of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. It is well-known for water sports and related activities such as snorkelling. The beach has plenty of stay options, including private resorts. Even though clean sands and the wide expanse of the blue ocean are alluring, there are no big crowds on the beach. Moreover, the room tariff and other expenses are low at Love Beach compared to many other international travel destinations.  

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