Superstar Mohanlal and ace director Priyadarshan have been friends for a long long time and their movies, especially those in the 1980s have given the movie buffs a lot of good moments to cherish. Their flicks, Thalavattom, Chitram, Kilukkam, Mithunam and Minnaram to name a few, were all runaway hits. And all of them had one element in common. The misty magical hills of Ooty. 

Also read: To Ooty on the 'Chaiya Chaiya' train


Time and again, Priyadarshan has been quoted as saying that Ooty has always been his lucky charm. So, when the director decided to shoot his recent movie 'Oppam' with Mohanlal, it was natural for them to head out to the hill station. Now, watch this video which Priyadarshan shared on his Facebook account before we go ahead with the story. 

Priyadarshan and Mohanlal shot for 'Ponveene' song at Ooty, their first shot in the hill station for the movie Thalavattom which hit the screen in 1986.  The shot had Mohanlal running up a hill.  Thirty years down the lane, when they were shooting in Ooty for their latest film 'Oppam,' Lal, says Priyadarshan wanted a little bit of their shared past in at least one scene in Oppam. 


Read: Oppam movie review

They went back to the spot where they shot the 'Ponveene' song and was surprised to see that it had not changed much. And they decided to recreate the same frame for one of the popular numbers 'Minnaminne' in the movie 'Oppam'. Priyadarshan said in an interview that they even used the same lens that they shot the first song with. Amazing, don't you think?

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