'One Piece' is one of the longest running and famous shonen mangas and animes.
The story revolves around Reena, a youngster who is trapped by a big racket that targets and exploits such vulnerable young women by giving them false promises.
Disney's public opposition to the law follows an employee walkout in protest of CEO Bob Chapek's mishandling of the 'Don't Say Gay' bill.
'We Don't Talk About Bruno', a group number in which the Madrigals lament about their estranged relative, Bruno, isn't nominated at this year's Oscars.
The stunning claim is part of a wider reaction to the company-wide memo sent to Disney employees by CEO Bob Chapek.
The new series SWAT-KATS Revolution will target 5 to 11-year-olds and will include a slew of new characters apart from the classic protagonists and villains.
The soundtrack, has become the first song from a Disney movie to reach No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart since 'A Whole New World' from 'Aladdin' did it in 1993.
It’s been years since Indians have embraced Doremon, the Japanese robot and the hero of everyone’s favourite Japanese cartoon.
With a legacy spanning more than 90 years, Walt Disney Animation Studios have created phenomenal movies which have received much love and appreciation from people of all ages.
Vani started associating with the animation industry at a time when the rest of us would have just started watching animation.