Pope Francis hopes Olympics will be an opportunity to establish truce

Pope Francis
Pope Francis arrives to celebrate a mass at in Trieste, Italy, on July 7. File Photo: Reuters/Alessandro Garofalo

Vatican City: Pope Francis said on Sunday he hoped the Paris Olympics would be an occasion for truces in the world's conflicts, urging athletes to be messengers of peace and models for young people.

The Games start on Friday with an opening ceremony on the River Seine that will feature about 10,500 athletes and over 100 heads of state and government.

During his weekly address to the crowds in St Peter's Square, the pope said he hoped that "according to the ancient tradition, the Olympics will be an opportunity to establish a truce in wars, by demonstrating a sincere desire for peace" .

He mentioned the conflicts in Ukraine, Gaza, Myanmar and other countries, saying "let us not forget war is a defeat".

Last month the final statement of a Group of Seven (G7) leaders' meeting held in Italy included a unanimous call for a truce in global conflicts during the Olympic Games.

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