New Delhi: After the Supreme Court closed the proceedings on a plea by three women wrestlers, who have levelled sexual harassment allegations against Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, Olympic medallist Sakshi Malik said "it's okay" and they will decide the future course of action after consulting with the seniors.

"It is okay, we respect the Supreme Court. Their job is only to register the FIR. No Court can ask anyone to arrest. We are sitting firm on our protest and it will go on till we get justice," said the Rio Olympics bronze medallist.


"First the statements of our girls should be recorded before the magistrate under 164. That is not done yet. We are waiting for it, after that we will see what needs to be done in this regard."

There are reports that some fringe elements have also been spotted at Jantar Mantar and they are planning to create ruckus.


To this, Sakshi said, "Can't do anything about the people in the crowd. We are just taking care of ourselves. Doing everything methodically and with utmost care that nothing goes wrong."

Earlier on Friday, Bajrang Punia disclosed that they have formed two committees to conduct this long-drawn-out fight. One committee of 30-plus members will decide how to prolong the fight.


Also, a nine-member committee will only concentrate on wrestling.

"Vinesh (Phogat) is meeting the legal team. One thing that I can definitely say is that we have formed committees that will decide the future course of action. Our job is to fight, it is their job to make decisions," Bajrang added.