German authorities find Schumacher family's private photos in blackmail probe

Corinna Schumacher & Gina Schumacher
Michael Schumacher's wife Corinna and daughter Gina in Cologne on July 20, 2022. File photo: AFP/Ina Fassbender

Berlin: German authorities have found photos related to the private life of seven-time Formula One world champion Michael Schumacher's family as part of investigations into attempted blackmail, prosecutors in the western city of Wuppertal said on Wednesday.

"An initial interim result of the analysis of the data records found is now available. These include photo files relating to the Schumacher family's private life," they said.

Investigations are ongoing, added prosecutors, who did not give further details on the suspects citing privacy laws.

The suspects had threatened to publish the data on the dark web unless they received millions of euros, said prosecutors.

A Schumacher spokesperson declined to comment on the case.

Schumacher has not been seen in public since he suffered a serious brain injury in a skiing accident on a family holiday in the French Alps in December, 2013.

Schumacher's family maintain strict privacy about his condition, with access limited to those closest to him.

Michael Schumacher
Michael Schumacher poses with the Legend of Sport trophy at the German Sports Press Ball in Frankfurt on November 10, 2012. File photo: Reuters/Lisi Niesner

The local Suedkurier newspaper reported that the suspects are a 53-year-old father and his 30-year-old son, and that the father is a bouncer at a nightclub in the city of Konstanz.

The files are said to show Schumacher after his accident, according to the paper.

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