Thirty earthquakes rock Andaman and Nicobar Islands in just one morning

Richter magnitude scale
Richter magnitude scale

New Delhi: Thirty medium intensity earthquakes, with a magnitude ranging from 4.7 to 5.2, hit the Andaman and Nicobar Islands on Monday morning, with nine  in a span of just two hours, according to the National Centre for Seismology.

The first jolt with a magnitude of 4.9 occurred at 5.14 AM, followed by another jolt with a magnitude of 5 a couple of minutes later.

The last jolt was recorded at 6.54 AM with a magnitude of 5.2, it said.

The Andaman and the Nicobar archipelago is prone to earthquakes.

It is also not unusual for the islands to witness more than two-three quakes a day.

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