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Last Updated Tuesday October 27 2020 12:58 PM IST

On hunger strike, Anna says government to send draft on his demands

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On hunger strike, Anna says government to send draft on his demands Social activist Anna Hazare during his indefinite hunger strike in New Delhi, on Saturday. PTI

New Delhi: Social activist Anna Hazare on the second day of his hunger strike on Saturday said the government was going to send a draft on his demands of an all-power anti-graft body and relief for distressed farmers. He said the draft will be discussed by the core committee of the protesters.

"I have been told that the government is sending a draft. I will discuss it with the core committee," Hazare told reporters here.

He has been on an indefinite hunger strike at the Ramlila Maidan here.

The activist has been pressing for appointments of Lokayukta at the Centre and Lokayuktas at the states, implementation of the M S Swaminathan Commission recommendation for fair prices of agriculture produce and electoral reforms.

Police said about 3,000 people participated in the agitation on Saturday. The number was 10,000 on Friday, according to police.

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