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Last Updated Thursday November 19 2020 04:51 PM IST

Ex-BSP MLA Amarpal Sharma booked under NSA in murder case

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Ex-BSP MLA Amarpal Sharma booked under NSA in murder case

Ghaziabad: Former Bahujan Samaj Party from Sahibabad Amarpal Sharma, an accused in a murder case, has been booked under the National Security Act, officials said.

Sharma was jailed last September for allegedly conspiring to kill a BJP functionary under the Khoda police station, police said.

The district administration imposed the National Security Act on Sharma on Tuesday based on the report of the district police chief.

District police chief H N Singh said the police had sent its report to book Sharma under the NSA as it was suspected that he might create law and order problem if he gets bail.

According to SSP Singh, district magistrate Ritu Maheshwari has sent the report of imposing the NSA on Sharma to the state government for its approval.

Thereafter, the report will be sent to the high court advisory board Allahabad, and after the consent of the board, the NSA will be enforced.

Sharma's family members and supporters said that they will challenge the NSA before the government, the high court advisory board and thereafter will approach the Allahabad High Court to seek relief.

In case the NSA is confirmed, Sharma will have to remain in jail for a year, officials said.

Sharma had surrendered in a court on October 18 in a district court in connection with the case of murder of BJP leader Gajendra Bhati, who was gunned down by two armed assailants in Khoda on September 2.

Another BJP local functionary, Balbir Chauhan, was injured in the incident.

After a few days of the killing, the police had arrested Narendra Gurjar, alias Fauji, and Raju Pehalwan.

The duo told the police that Sharma had given them a contract of Rs 10 lakh to eliminate his political rival Gajendra Bhati.

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