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Last Updated Sunday November 15 2020 11:49 AM IST

Sushma comes to the rescue of Russian tourist forced to beg at TN temple

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 Sushma comes to the rescue of Russian tourist forced to beg at TN temple Swaraj intervened following a media report about 24-year-old A. Evangelin begging at a temple in Kancheepuram.

New Delhi: External affairs minister Sushma Swaraj has come to the aid of a Russian national, who had to resort to seeking alms at a temple in Tamil Nadu after finding that his debit card ATM PIN had got locked.

"Evangelin -- Your country Russia is our time tested friend. My officials in Chennai will provide you all help," Swaraj tweeted late Tuesday night, following a media report about 24-year-old A. Evangelin begging at a temple in Kancheepuram.

According to the report, Evangelin arrived in India on September 24 and reached Kancheepuram on Tuesday from Chennai and visited a few temples.

He went to an ATM kiosk in the temple town to withdraw money but found that his debit card PIN had got locked.

Extremely frustrated, he then sat at the entrance of Sri Kumarakottam Temple and sought alms from the people coming in.

According to the report, the police reached the temple and after checking his travel documents gave him money to at least reach Chennai.

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