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Last Updated Saturday November 14 2020 02:11 AM IST

Modi will be the first Indian PM to visit Israel

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 Modi set to become first Indian PM to visit Israel

New Delhi: Israel on Wednesday said it warmly welcomes prime minister Narendra Modi on his visit - the first by an Indian Prime Minister - to Israel on July 4-6 at the invitation of Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

"The visit will include a call on Israeli president Reuven Rivlin, and a working meeting and dinner with the Israeli prime minister. It will also include high-level bilateral meetings and other various components which reflect the fabric of the Indo-Israeli relations," a statement from the Israeli embassy here said.

"This significant visit, the first by an Indian prime minister to Israel, takes place in the backdrop of marking 25 years of diplomatic relations between India and Israel, and will further upgrade the ever growing partnership between the two countries," it said.

Prime minister Netanyahu on June 25 had announced the visit in a tweet, saying "Next week, the Indian Prime Minister, my friend, @NarendraModi will arrive in Israel, This is an historic visit to Israel."

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