Thiruvananthapuram: Shemi (55), the sole survivor of her son Afan’s killing spree, regained consciousness a day after being admitted to Gokulam Medical College Hospital at Venjaramoodu. When a relative visited her in the ICU, her first concern was for her younger son, Afsan.

A crying Shemi pleaded with the relative to bring Afsan to her. The grieving mother remains oblivious to the fact that her 13-year-old son was among those brutally murdered by her 23-year-old son.


Shemi sustained severe injuries to her head. She required 13 stitches on the back of her skull. Both her cheekbones were fractured in the attack, leaving her unable to open her mouth properly.

Police believe Afan first attempted to strangle his mother, a cancer patient, using a shawl. Assuming she had died from her injuries, he then left the house and proceeded to his grandmother’s residence.


Though Afan initially told police that his grandmother was his first victim, investigators remain unconvinced.

After killing his grandmother, he targeted his uncle Latheef and Latheef’s wife, Sajitha. He later returned home, where he murdered his girlfriend, Farsana, and his younger brother, Afsan.

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