Sharon Raj murder: How court punished Greeshma for each offence

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S S Greeshma, who was sentenced to death for the murder of Sharon Raj, has been sentenced to undergo rigorous imprisonment for a period of 10 years and was slapped a fine of Rs 1 lakh for kidnapping. In default of payment of the fine, she shall undergo simple imprisonment for one year. She was sentenced to undergo rigorous imprisonment for a period of 5 years and a fine of Rs 50,000 for causing harm with poison. In default of payment of the fine, the court ruled that she shall undergo simple imprisonment for six months.
The court ordered that she be sentenced to death for murder and, accordingly, the convict be hanged by neck till she was dead. A fine of Rs 2 lakh was also imposed on Greeshma, and by default, the fine will be recovered in accordance with the law. She was sentenced to undergo imprisonment for a period of two years for giving false information about crime. No fine was imposed for this offence.
Greeshma's uncle, Nirmalakumaran Nair ( Accused No.), was sentenced to undergo rigorous imprisonment for a period of 3 years for destruction of evidence and was slapped with a fine of Rs. 50,000. In default of payment of fine, he shall undergo simple imprisonment for six months. The substantive sentence of imprisonment ordered shall run concurrently, the court said in the order.
The death sentence imposed on Greeshma will be subject to confirmation of the High Court of Kerala and for which the case proceedings will be forwarded to the High Court, the court ruled. It also said that the accused 1 and 3 ( Greeshma and Nirmalakumaran Nair ) are informed that they can file an appeal against the judgment and order on sentence within a period of thirty days.
On execution of death sentence, the custodial sentence shall lapse. In case the sentence imposed on the accused is commuted or remitted by the appropriate authorities, she will be entitled to get set off the period of detention undergone by her. The term sentences imposed shall run concurrently, and they are allowed to be set off against the substantive term of imprisonment, as per the order.
The fine amount, if realised, will be given to father and mother of Sharon Raj. The court also recommended the District Legal Services Authority to extent assistance by awarding victim compensation to Sharon's parents under the Victim compensation scheme. The material objects produced shall be retained intact until further orders from the High Court of Kerala, as per the order.