Kochi: Businessman Boby Chemmanur, embroiled in the actor harassment case, has chosen to remain in jail despite being granted bail by the Kerala High Court on Tuesday. Chemmanur, who has been in judicial custody for six days, reportedly cited solidarity with prisoners who were unable to secure release due to technicalities as the reason for his decision.

Chemmanur conveyed his protest to his legal team, stating that he would not leave prison until the issue of such prisoners was addressed. His stance left a large crowd of supporters, who had gathered to welcome his release, disappointed.


Reports suggest that even though his lawyers arrived at the Kakkanad district jail with the bail order, Chemmanur was unwilling to cooperate. The High Court issued the bail order at 3.30 pm on Tuesday, following which his legal team approached the jail. However, they reportedly did not proceed inside as Chemmanur informed them that he would not sign the bond as required by the bail conditions.

Jail authorities have indicated that the release order could not be processed due to a lapse in the stipulated timeframe. Prosecutors are expected to inform the High Court of Chemmanur’s actions on Wednesday.


The Kerala High Court had earlier admonished Chemmanur for public statements that could potentially harm others, advising him to exercise caution. During the hearing, the court reviewed visuals of his statements and granted bail after police confirmed that his continued custody was unnecessary.

The case stems from allegations made by popular Malayalam actor Honey Rose, who accused Chemmanur of using derogatory language about her during an incident four months ago. Rose disclosed the matter on social media, prompting a surge of cyberattacks against her. She later lodged a police complaint, which led to Chemmanur’s arrest on January 8 at his Wayanad resort. The incident has since seen authorities arrest nearly two dozen individuals involved in online abuse directed at Rose.

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