Palakkad: A technical fault disrupted the Kasaragod-Thiruvananthapuram Vande Bharat Express on the Shoranur route on Wednesday. Southern Railways reported that the train resumed service by 8.30 pm after fixing the issue.

According to reports, the train suddenly stopped near the Shoranur Bridge around 5.30 pm and remained stationary until 8 pm. Passengers were stranded inside the train as the doors remained locked, and the air conditioning system was turned off.


Engineers were dispatched to inspect and resolve the issue, an officer from Shoranur railway station said. Later, the train's 16 coaches were pulled into the Shoranur railway station. Manorama News reported that the train resumed service after installing a new engine around 8.30 pm. Railway officials said that alternative travel arrangments were made for some of the passengers while repairing the engine.

An official added that all passengers onboard were safe, and no untoward incidents occurred during the delay. He also mentioned that a few trains were delayed as a result of the disruption.