The Health Department on Saturday closed down two scanning centres in Alappuzha against which a couple had filed a complaint with the police for an alleged failure to detect genetic deformities of their baby. Alappuzha South Police have filed cases against two doctors at the diagnostic centres based on a complaint by Aneesh Muhammed, the father.

A release issued by the Health Department noted that the officials sealed the scanning machines of the centres on Saturday. The inspection team also found out that records were not maintained at the scanning centres.


As per norms, scanning records should be maintained for two years. However, no records were found during the inspection carried out by a special team constituted by Health Minister Veena George. Further probe is underway. The team will submit a report based on the inspection.

Two gynaecologists from the Women and Children's Hospital, Alappuzha, and two doctors from diagnostic centres were booked under relevant sections of Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita following the couple's complaint. A team led by the Additional Director of Health Services is also probing the complaint.


In the complaint, the couple said that their baby was born with severe deformities and the doctors at the hospital and the scanning centre failed to diagnose the abnormalities during the scan. The baby is being fed milk through a tube and has facial deformity along with tongue retraction, a heart defect and can only lie on its back.