Kochi: Malayalam actor Maala Parvathi has filed a petition in the Supreme Court, raising serious allegations against the Special Investigation Team (SIT) formed to probe the sexual assault cases registered following the release of the Hema Committee report. She accused the SIT of targeting the women who recorded their statements before the Justice Hema Committee.

“I had appeared before the Hema Committee. I told the SIT that I was not interested in registering any cases. However, the SIT interrogated some people based on my statement. Some innocent people, who have always supported women, were harassed by the probe team,” said Maala Parvathi.
She requested the apex court to quash the proceedings initiated by the SIT based on her statements.


The actor pointed out that she had appeared before the Hema Committee only to initiate a study on the problems faced by women in the Malayalam film industry and to push for laws that would create a safer working environment.

“The Hema Committee assured me that nobody would be harassed over the statements recorded. They argued that all statements should be kept confidential. So, I had no idea that a case would be registered based on the statements,” she said.


Earlier, actor Ranjini, who also appeared before the committee, approached the High Court, questioning the government's decision to publicize the report. She argued that its release would compromise the confidentiality of the statements.

The SIT registered several sexual assault cases against top actors, directors, producers, and others in the film industry after some women approached the police with complaints. The release of the Hema Committee report in August led to the sexual assault allegations and the formation of the SIT.