Malappuram: The Nilambur fast-track special court on Thursday sentenced Kunnummal Abdul Khader, a 57-year-old black magic practitioner, to 16 years of rigorous imprisonment for raping and impregnating a 19-year-old woman under the guise of treatment. Additionally, the court imposed a fine of Rs 1,10,000. Judge K P Joy delivered the verdict in the 2016 case.

According to the prosecution, Abdul Khader, a native of Kalikavu, first approached the victim's family in October 2015, offering magical remedies to hasten her marriage. He frequented her house and performed various rituals, gaining the family's trust. However, on December 29, 2016, the accused locked the victim in her bedroom, drugged, raped and impregnated her. 


In the primary investigation led by Nilambur Circle Inspector T Sajeevan, a charge sheet was submitted to the court. Later, in 2023, the police conducted a reinvestigation under Circle Inspector P Vishnu, which included DNA testing of the child. The results confirmed Abdul Khader as the father.

The victim, who experienced significant physical and emotional trauma, provided a detailed statement under Section 164 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) before the Judicial First Class Magistrate in Nilambur. The prosecution, led by Public Prosecutor Sam K Francis, supported the case with scientific evidence, the victim's testimony, the accounts of 22 witnesses, and 16 documents.


The court convicted Abdul Khader under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) Sections 376(1) for rape, 450 for house trespass with the intent to commit an offence, and 342 for wrongful confinement. Following the verdict, he was sent toTavanur Central Jail.