Pathanamthitta: A photoshoot of policemen on duty at Sabarimala triggered a controversy after the pictures went viral on social media. In the photos, the cops were seen posing on 'Pathinettam Padi', the holy 18 steps of the hill shrine. Manorama News reported that ADGP S Sreejith has sought a report from the Sannidhanam special officer over the incident.

Cops from the first batch posed for the group photo while winding up their duty for the day. The ADGP intervened after the controversial photo led to heated debates in social media.


Vishva Hindu Parishad  (VHP) Kerala unit criticised the police for the disrespectful act. They said no Ayyappa devotee can do a photoshoot by turning their back on the deity. Even the chief priest descends the step by facing the idol, they pointed out. The association condemned the cops for violating the temple's custom.

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