Former Kannur ADM Naveen Babu's wife, Manjusha, the Additional Tehsildar of Konni, told the media on Wednesday that she would go to any lengths for justice. "I cannot trust the words of the Kannur Collector, who treats his subordinates poorly. Naveen Babu had no personal connections with him," she told the media.

This is in response to a statement from the Collector that after the farewell meeting, during which former ADM Naveen Babu felt snubbed by the then-District Panchayat President P P Divya, he met with the District Collector in his office and admitted that he had made a 'mistake.' This statement was referenced in the order issued by Thalassery Sessions Judge K T Nisar Ahammed, who dismissed Divya's anticipatory bail plea.


The Thalassery Principal Sessions Court will consider PP Divya's bail plea on Friday, and the petition will be set for verification. Before that, the investigating team will hold a meeting on Wednesday, according to Manorama News. The decisions regarding recording Naveen Babu's family's statement and custody application will be made only after the meeting. Meanwhile, the Congress party plans to strengthen protests against Divya and is organizing a march to the Collectorate on Thursday.

In the District Collector's statement to the Joint Land Revenue Commissioner, A Geetha, he said that the ADM admitted to making a mistake. However, the Collector noted that not all of his recorded statements have been made public and did not elaborate further. 


Although the Joint Land Revenue Commissioner completed the investigation, the findings are absent from the report, and the Revenue Minister has been evasive regarding this issue. 

Former ADM Naveen Babu was found hanging at his official quarters on October 15. It is alleged that he took his life following public accusations from former Kannur District Panchayat President P P Divya, who arrived at his farewell meeting the day before and made incriminating comments against  Naveen Babu.

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