KSEB moots health insurance scheme for staff, pensioners

Image: ksebl/FB

Thiruvananthapuram: The Kerala State Electricity Board Limited (KSEB), a public sector undertaking under the state government, is planning a comprehensive health insurance scheme for its employees and pensioners.

Board authorities have initiated discussions with various insurance companies to implement the scheme, which would replace the existing medical reimbursement facility. 

Incidentally, trade unions, officers’ organisations and pensioners’ associations in the KSEB have been demanding an insurance scheme for long. A proposal has also been prepared based on the suggestions of these organisations.

It is pointed out that while employees and pensioners of the state government enjoy benefits of the Medisep health insurance scheme, their counterparts in KSEB do not have health insurance coverage.

Pensioners’ organisations had also submitted a memorandum to the KSEB seeking their inclusion in the proposed health insurance scheme for employees.

Once implemented, the health insurance scheme will benefit around 40,700 pensioners and 28,000 employees of the KSEB.

Meanwhile, the state government has sent a recommendation to the KSEB to provide coverage under the scheme to pensioners also.

According to KSEB authorities, discussions are now taking place over the share of the contributions to be made by the KSEB and employees towards the scheme.

Details such as age of employees and the number of pensioners have already been given to the Punjab National Bank and Canara Bank.

KWA model 

KSEB authorities, meanwhile, are studying the health insurance scheme implemented by the Kerala Water Authority (KWA) for its employees and pensioners.

While the KWA is currently paying the full insurance premium of pensioners, the Authority is planning to collect the amount from employees. KSEB, however, will not pay the full insurance premium, said authorities.

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