Alappuzha: A youth has forcibly cut the hair of a woman who was on her way home at Kalavoor on Saturday night. The incident happened after a function organised by a club as part of Vijayadasami. Mannanchery police said that they have not received a complaint or registered a case on this incident. However cops from the station visited the site after the station was informed about the incident. "We have not got a complaint, but the cops visited the spot," a police official said.

Panchayat representatives of Mararikulam South Grama Panchayat said that they are aware of the incident but need more details. "What we know is that the woman was walking home after attending a function in a club. The youth came from behind and forcibly cut her hair using scissors. We are gathering more details," said Saji V, Kalavoor ward member and Mararikulam South gram panchayat vice-president.


Residents suspect the involvement of a youth from Preethikulangara in the incident. Police have not confirmed the identity as a case is yet to be registered. The motive behind the act is also unknown.