Theft at MT's residence: Police take 2 suspects, including cook, into custody

MT is equally popular in the Malayalam film industry as one of the most successful story writer. Photo: Manorama

Kozhikode: Police took two individuals into custody in connection with the theft case at the house of renowned writer M T Vasudevan Nair. The suspects are Shanta, the cook employed at M T's residence for the past five years, and her relative, Prakashan, who is accused of assisting in the sale of the stolen gold.

According to the complaint filed by M T's wife, Saraswati, approximately 26 sovereigns of gold, including a gold chain, bangles, studs, and diamond jewellery, were reported missing.

According to the FIR, the theft happened between September 22 and 30 while MT and his wife were away. Upon their return, the couple discovered the theft when they opened the cupboard. However, police noted no sign of forced entry or damage to the cupboard.

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