Case against Manaf for 'exploiting Arjun's family's grief'

Abdul Manaf. Photo: Manorama

Kozhikode: The police have registered a case against truck owner Abdul Manaf following a complaint by the family of Arjun, a Kozhikode native who died in the landslide in Ankola, Karnataka. Arjun's sister, Anju, lodged the complaint accusing Manaf of exploiting the family's grief for personal gain.
The FIR was registered on charges of attempting to create societal divisions and taking advantage of the family's emotional distress. 

"I stay by what I said yesterday. I apologise for any mistake I might have done unknowingly. I'll stay by the family's side even if they have filed a case against me," Manaf said while responding to the media on Friday.

Arjun's family had previously accused Manaf and expert diver Eshwar Malpe of using the tragedy to boost their YouTube channels and increase viewership. They also alleged that Manaf raised funds in Arjun’s name without their consent. "We never asked anyone to collect money on his  (Arjun's) behalf. Manaf and others brought us a sum, but it felt like a publicity stunt," the family stated.

In response to the accusations, Manaf had denied any ill intent, addressing claims that he had used Arjun’s image as his YouTube profile picture. He confirmed that he has since removed the photo.

"I created the channel to provide updates from Shirur as suggested by media outlets. I haven’t used the channel since Arjun’s body was brought home. I will always stand by the family, and I regret any misunderstandings," he said. Manaf also clarified that the truck involved in the accident was registered in his brother Mubeen's name.

Arjun, a native of Kannadikkal in Kozhikode, went missing on July 16 after a massive landslide in Shirur, Karnataka, while transporting a truckload of wood to Kerala. His body was recovered from the Gangavali River on September 25, after a 72-day search.

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