Thiruvananthapuram fast track special court has sentenced a man to five years rigorous imprisonment(RI) and slapped a penalty of Rs 10,000 in a case related to sexual assault of an 11-year-old boy. The verdict was pronounced by Judge R Rekha.

The judge ordered that the amount shall be given to the boy, and in case of failure in payment of money, the convict shall have to undergo imprisonment for two more months.

The convict is Shibu,46, a resident of Thamaram, Kalady. The incident happened on November 19, 2022. The boy went to a shop to purchase snacks for his brother. Shibu, who was at the shop, forcibly held the boy's arms and sexually abused him.

The boy ran away to his house in pain. By evening, the boy complained of pain in his private parts and told his mother about the assault that happened at the shop. The parents complained to the Fort police, and a probe was initiated. Special public prosecutor R S Vijayamohan appeared for the prosecution. 14 witnesses were heard during the trial, and 17 documents were presented as evidence. Fort Assistant Commissioner S Shaji, SI Sajini T probed the case.