Power supply restored at SAT, maintenance works on generator scheduled today

sat protest
A protest was held in front of the SAT Hospital in Thiruvananthapuram, followed by a power outage. Photo: Rinku Raj Mattancherriyil/Manorama.

The power supply to SAT Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram, has been restored. Power outage in the casualty wing of SAT triggered outrage and panic among the patients and bystanders on Sunday night leading to a tense situation.

According to the press note issued by the hospital authorities here on Monday, the power supply was restored by 7.30 am. It was running on rented generators from Sunday night. Two generators in the hospital failed after the power went off. Later generators had to be brought in from private parties to the hospital.

Now the supply is being drawn from the power lines and generator is not being used anymore, release said. However a contactor switch in the generator on the panel board needs to be changed.

This work will be done after 3 pm on Monday by arranging an alternative system, said Hospital superintendent Dr S Bindu. The authorities said that work would be done after the completion of scheduled surgeries and hectic duty hours.

A technical committee will conduct a probe into the power outage in the casualty wing of SAT hospital, Thiruvananthapuram. Health Minister Veena George issued a press note which said that a comprehensive probe will be initiated.

The Minister visited the hospital on Sunday night and assessed the situation. The Minister said that strict action will be taken if any lapses are found which led to power outage at SAT hospital.

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