Toddler dies after being run over by pickup in front of mother in Idukki

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A four-year-old boy died after a pickup van ran over him in front of his mother at Shantigram near Erattayar in Idukki on Sunday. The deceased was Sravan, lovingly called Ambadi. The incident took place around 3.40 pm.

The pickup driver, Santhosh, who did not have a valid driving license, was taken into custody for the accident that caused the toddler's death.

The accident took place when the boy's mother, Malathi, came out to the road to meet the pickup driver, who had come to give her money in connection with a small business she runs. Sravan had followed his mother to the side of the road. Unaware of this, Santhosh moved the vehicle, and the rear wheel ran over the boy. He was rushed to St. John's Hospital in Kattappana in an auto-rickshaw, but was declared brought dead.

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