Major daylight robbery on national highway in Thrissur: 2.5 kg of gold stolen | Video

CCTV footage of robbery from nearby vehicles. Photo: Special arrangement

Thrissur: In a daring daylight robbery near Kuthiran on the national highway, 2.5 kg of gold was stolen from a trader on Wednesday. The gold, transported by car from Coimbatore to Thrissur, was stolen by a gang following them in three vehicles. The trader and his friend were also attacked.

The incident occurred at 11.15 am on Wednesday. A gang of masked assailants, travelling in two Innova cars and a Renault, intercepted the Swift car carrying the gold. The occupants—Arun Sunny, a gold trader from Kizhakkekotta in Thrissur, and his friend, Roji Thomas, a resident of Potta—were threatened with knives and axes and assaulted with a hammer.

The robbers forced the two men out of the vehicle, stole the 2.5 kg of gold, and fled with the car. They later abandoned Arun Sunny at Puthur and Roji Thomas at Paliyekkara. Peechi police have intensified their investigation, focusing on CCTV footage from nearby vehicles to track down the gang.

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