Stop memo issued for construction of stud farm project at Chekadi in Wayanad

Pulppalli: Amid mounting protests from paddy farmers, the Revenue Department issued a stop memo for the ongoing construction of a stud farm project at Chekadi in Wayanad.

Officials from the department said the project on 20 acres was implemented without following rules and regulations. A big stable was also part of the project. A team of officials headed by Pulppalli Village Officer V M Rajan confirmed this during an inspection.

The officials said the promoters violated the rules and regulations of the Kerala Conservation of Paddy Land and Wetland Act. The project's promoters have been directed to restore the land to its original state.

Based on media reports, the district administration and Revenue Divisional Officer (RDO) had sought a report on alleged violations. The agriculture officer also examined the spot and reported the violations to the Sub Collector.
Besides the farmers, tribespeople in nearby settlements also complained when the revenue team visited.

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