Sex trafficking ring busted in Kochi; Bangladeshi woman rescued

Illustration: Manorama

Kochi: A sex trafficking ring that subjected a 20-year-old Bangladeshi woman to severe sexual abuse in Kochi was busted by the police on Friday. The group, which was centred in Elamakkara and run by women, was arrested by the police. Reports suggest that the woman, who was brought to Kochi from Bengaluru, was handed over to more than 20 men by the traffickers.

One of the arrested individuals is a woman named Serena, who is believed to be part of an interstate sex trafficking network. She is suspected of bringing the woman to Kochi. Serena’s accomplice, a man named Shyam and another woman were also arrested by the Elamakkara police.

The young Bangladeshi woman lost her parents at a young age and came to India at the age of 12 with a relative. She later fell into the hands of the trafficking ring. A week ago, Serena brought her from Bengaluru to Kochi. The woman is currently under police protection.

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