Body of one of the boys who went missing in Idukki’s Anchuruli tunnel found, search continues

Athul was initially swept away, and Appu ventured into the water to save him. Both of them got washed away into the tunnel. Photo: Special arrangement.

Idukki: The body of one of the boys who went missing in the Anchuruli tunnel was found at its mouth of the tunnel on Thursday. The deceased is Athul (13), a resident of Kayamkulam. Search is underway for another boy, Appu.

The children came to the house of their grandfather, Ravi, at Mayiladumpara to celebrate the Onam holidays. They were swept away by strong currents and went missing in the tunnel at around 9.45 am. Athul is the son of Ravi's daughter Rajitha.

On Thursday morning, they went to bathe in the canal. Athul was initially swept away, and Appu ventured into the water to save him. Both of them got washed away into the tunnel. Another boy who was with them alerted residents. Fire force officials said that there is a possibility that Appu might have been swept away by the currents. The search is now progressing at the other end of the tunnel.

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