Alappuzha: Police on Friday arrested a friend of the couple Mathews and Sharmila, accused in the murder case of Subhadra in Kalavoor, Alappuzha, over his involvement in the crime. According to police, Mathews' friend Reynold was part of the elaborate plan to lure Subhadra to their rented house in Korthussery and murder her to steal her gold ornaments. The arrest of all three accused was recorded.

Police said the accused fed Subhadra sleeping pills from August 4 to render her unconscious to steal her gold ornaments in small quantities. On August 7, Subhadra noticed her ornaments missing and told the accused she would go to the police if it weren't returned. That is when the accused strangled Subhadra to death. Her ribs were broken after the accused hit her following a scuffle. Another person was summoned to dig a pit on the pretext of dumping garbage. Subhadra was buried in the pit later that night.

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