SFI-KSU clash during Kerala University senate election over missing ballots

sfi protest
Following the protests, the Senate election was cancelled. Photo: Manorama News.

Thiruvananthapuram: A clash broke out between the activists of the Students Federation of India (SFI) and the Kerala Students Union (KSU) on Wednesday during the Kerala University senate election. Reports indicate that 15 ballots went missing, prompting the suspension of vote counting. Police are stationed outside the Senate Hall.

KSU claims that SFI concealed the ballots after winning two seats. In response, SFI State Secretary P M Arsho alleged that KSU stole the ballots and blamed SFI for the incident.

KSU reiterated their demand for a re-election. Meanwhile, SFI activists burst crackers on the campus, claiming their victory. Following the protests, the senate election was cancelled, with further action to be determined by university authorities.

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