Miffed at Speaker’s RSS remark, CPI’s Binoy Viswam questions Kerala ADGP’s Sangh contacts

CPI state secretary Binoy Viswam. File Photo: Manorama.

Thiruvananthapuram: The Communist Party of India (CPI), a key ally of the ruling CPM in Kerala, stated on Tuesday that the Left Front does not consider the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) a "significant organisation." The remark came in response to Kerala Assembly Speaker A N Shamseer's recent defence of ADGP M R Ajith Kumar's controversial meeting with RSS leaders.

On Monday, Shamseer defended ADGP (Law and Order)  Ajith Kumar, downplaying the significance of his meeting with an RSS leader, and referred to the RSS as a "significant organisation" in the country.

However, CPI state secretary Binoy Viswam said that the Speaker's comment could have been avoided. Viswam asserted that the Left Front does not view the RSS, which poses "a serious challenge to the country's future, growth, political progress, and secular values" as a significant entity.

He emphasised the need for caution in public statements, adding that while the RSS is a strong and large organisation, it should not be considered significant in a positive sense. Regarding the controversial meeting between Ajith Kumar and an RSS leader last year, Viswam noted that the officer had reportedly met with several RSS leaders, raising concerns. "Why is Kerala's ADGP building such contacts? Why this friendship with the RSS?" he asked, calling for ideological clarity on the issue.

The meeting has stirred political tensions in Kerala, with Left Democratic Front (LDF) convenor T P Ramakrishnan demanding a thorough investigation. Many within the ruling front have also distanced themselves from the ADGP following the controversy.
(With PTI inputs.)

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