Guruvayur temple sets new record hosting 356 weddings on Sunday

Photo: Special arrangement.

Thrissur: Guruvayur Sreekrishna temple hosted a total of 356 weddings on Sunday making it one of the highest in recent times in Guruvayur temple. The Guruvayur Devaswom made special arrangements for darshan and wedding ceremonies, considering the sheer number of marriages scheduled for the day.

Facilities were provided for people to reserve their place in line for the wedding rituals until the moment of the 'Thalikettu', which began at 4 am.

Six mandapams (wedding podiums), all beautifully decorated, were prepared for the ceremonies. A system was put in place to ensure the smooth conduct of events.

Tokens were distributed at the temporary counter near the Patterkulam (a temple pond near the southern entrance). When it was time for the ceremony, they were allowed entry to the Melpathur Auditorium. After completing the Thalikettu ceremony at the mandapam, the couple exited through the southern entrance, as returning via the eastern entrance was not allowed. Only 24 people, including photographers, were permitted to accompany the bride and groom near the mandapam.

Photo: Special arrangement.
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