Consumers urge KSEB to take the austerity route

Kerala State Electricity Board
Representative image

Kozhikode/Palakkad/Kochi: The Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB) should adopt austerity measures and consider ways to increase its revenue without overburdening consumers.
This suggestion was among several others the consumers made at the Electricity Tariff Regulatory Commission's sittings in Kozhikode, Palakkad, and Kochi. The commission chairperson also directed the board to suggest means to make a profit without a power tariff hike.

All three meetings suggested that the board collect power charges monthly instead of using the current bimonthly practice. Consumers registered their opposition to the proposed special summer tariff for January through May. They argued that making the summer tariff a part of tariff revision created a bad precedent, and such a practice was not followed elsewhere in the country.

Meanwhile, the venue for the regulatory commission's sitting in Thiruvananthapuram, scheduled for September 11, was shifted to the Panchayat Association Hall from the planned Priyadarshini Planetarium auditorium. The venue was changed since many consumers are expected to attend the sitting.

Priyadarshini auditorium could accommodate only 200 people, while the Panchayat Association Hall has 700 seating capacity.

Major suggestions
1) KSEB should scarp unnecessary posts
2) The regulatory commission should provide information on tariff hikes in Malayalam
3)  Workers' union demanded the revamp of the employee's salaries
4) Farmers urged the commission not to increase the tariff on power used for agricultural purposes. The commission chairperson indicated that the demand will be considered
5) An additional 203.5 megawatts of power could be generated if the stalled projects are completed
6) Increase solar power generation and the power thus generated should be utilised during the day. Storage facilities should be set up to use solar power during nights
7) Relaxation in the power tariff of small- and macro-industrial units
8) Additional tariffs during peak hours will adversely affect businesses
9) KSEB has been stripped of its authority to impose a duty on power after the GST regime came into force. However, it changed the name of duty to e-duty. It should be stopped completely.

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