CPI dubs ADGP-RSS leader meeting 'suspicious'; CPM denies responsibility

Binoy Viswam, MV Govindan. Photo: Manorama

Thiruvananthapuram: The Communist Party of India (CPI) State Secretary Binoy Viswam has expressed concerns over the meeting between RSS leader and ADGP MR Ajith Kumar, terming it suspicious. "No official should hold such discussions at the expense of the LDF. What knowledge was the ADGP sharing with a representative of Vijnana Bharati? The details of the meeting should be made public. There is no ideological exchange between the RSS and the LDF. The ADGP should not hold discussions with the RSS leader at the Left government’s expense. This matter requires an investigation," said Viswam.

Amid allegations by Opposition Leader VD Satheesan about MR Ajith Kumar's meeting with RSS leadership, the ADGP admitted to meeting RSS General Secretary Dattatreya Hosabale at a Thrissur hotel last year. He clarified that the meeting was part of a private visit.

VS Sunil Kumar, the CPI candidate from Thrissur, echoed Viswam's concerns, stating that if the meeting did take place, it would be a serious matter. "Currently, the news is that the ADGP met with the RSS leader, but the facts have not been revealed yet. If such a meeting occurred, it is a grave issue. Media reports suggest that the meeting might be connected to the disruption of the Thrissur Pooram festival. If that’s the case, it can be confirmed that the RSS disrupted the event. Based on the reports, this is a serious matter that requires investigation. We can only comment further after learning more. However, we have full faith in the government," said Sunil Kumar.

Meanwhile, CPM State Secretary MV Govindan dismissed the notion that his party bears any responsibility for the meeting. "What responsibility does CPM have if an ADGP meets with an RSS leader? What’s the issue now if the ADGP met with the RSS leader? If the ADGP goes somewhere, why should we be held accountable?" Govindan asked.

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