Kozhikode City suburb on alert after Hepatitis A outbreak

Representational image. Photo: iStock/SyhinStas

Kozhikode: A suburban area of Kozhikode City has been put on alert after several residents were infected with Hepatitis A. The health wing of the city corporation said that nearly 25 people in Eravathukunnu and surroundings have been infected so far, and control measures are underway.

A 24-year-old woman has been admitted to the Government Medical College Hospital. However, the Corporation Health officer told Onmanorama that no fresh cases were reported from the region in the last two days.

As Eravathukunnu is a hilly region, most residents depend on public irrigation projects for drinking purposes. As those infected used water from two wells in the area, distribution from the source has been stopped.

“We cleaned the wells and surroundings and did superchlorination. There were sectorial meetings of the residents to create awareness. A team, led by the Corporation Health Inspector, is doing house visits,” said Corporation Health officer Dr Munavar. He added that two technical assistants from the District Medical Officer's team have joined the awareness drive.

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