Loan moratorium for Vilangad landslide-affected families decided

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At least 13 houses were destroyed in Vilangad that has been hit by multiple landslides in recent days. Photo: Special arrangement

Kozhikode: A meeting convened by the Kozhikode district collector has decided to announce moratorium on bank loan repayments by land-slide affected residents from Vilangad.

If the borrower's farmland has been ruined completely, his/her agricultural loan will be allowed 5 years moratorium on repayment; rest of the loans will get a year's time for repayment.

The Collector has directed the officials to collect the details about the bank loans availed by the landslide-affected people. The meeting also decided to give special consideration to the deserving borrowers whose loans need to be writen off. In such cases, these names will be recommended to the state government.  

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