Malappuram: The family of Thamir Jifri (30), who died in the custody of Tanur police, plans to approach the CBI following recent revelations by then Malappuram District Police Chief S Sujithdas. In a telephone conversation with MLA PV Anvar, Sujith Das allegedly disclosed details surrounding Jifri’s death while in police custody. The CBI, which is already investigating the case, has charged four members of the District Anti-Narcotics Special Action Force (DANSAF).

MLA PV Anvar leaked the recorded telephone conversation on Sunday. S Sujithdas, who was the DPC in Malappuram when Jifri died in custody on August 1, 2023, claimed that the death was not intentional.


"Jifri died after swallowing a packet containing drugs. The aim was to seize the MDMA, not to kill anyone. The tree log case emerged when I feared going to jail over the custodial death," Sujith Das reportedly said during the conversation.

Thamir Jifri. Photo: Special Arrangement
Thamir Jifri. Photo: Special Arrangement

The Jifri family alleges that Sujithdas is also culpable in Thamir’s death, as DANSAF would have acted under his orders.
“In light of these new revelations, we will approach the CBI. We demand that Sujith Das be booked in this case. We have previously raised concerns about his involvement, but they were ignored. We also demand that the phone recording of the MLA be examined and that his testimony be taken,” said Haris Jifri, Thamir’s brother. The Thamir Jifri Action Council will also approach the government in response to the revelations.


"We will convene a meeting within a few days to decide on further actions based on Sujith Das's statements. We have always maintained that Sujithdas was involved in the murder, and this conversation supports our claim," said PM Rafeeq, Working Chairman of the Action Council.

The Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) has also expressed concerns about Sujith Das's involvement in Jifri’s custodial death. IUML leader PK Kunhalikutty stated that these revelations could have serious implications for the government.