Kochi: Senior actors Sarada and Sheela have made their first public responses to the sexual harassment allegations that surfaced following the release of the Hema Committee report. Sarada, who is also a member of the committee, stated that sexual harassment has always existed in the film industry. "During my time, people remained silent. Out of pride and fear, these matters were not revealed back then. However, the educated younger generation today has the courage to speak out about their traumatic experiences," Sarada explained.

Sarada also remarked that the recent revelations following the report seem more like a 'show'. "Right now, everyone should be thinking about Wayanad," she told Manorama News. When asked about the significance of the report, Sarada responded, "Hema Madam is a very good person; if you ask her, she will provide the necessary information."


Meanwhile, actor Sheela urged artists to openly share their personal experiences with courage. She stated that she herself has not faced any harassment, but she has heard women on set discussing the unfortunate incidents they experienced. "Back then, there were neither the opportunities nor the circumstances to speak out openly. I don't know why only certain actors' names are being mentioned when so many are involved. If anyone is guilty, they should be punished," Sheela emphasised. She also expressed pride in the efforts made by the Women in Cinema Collective (WCC) for women in the film industry and praised the government for appointing the Hema Committee and giving women a platform to speak out.

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