Research centre raises request to include life of IUML leader in Kerala school syllabus

Muhammad Ali Shihab Thangal
Indian Union Muslim League president Panakkad Syed Mohammedali Shihab Thangal ( C) with IUML leaders,( Left to Right ) former Ministers Dr MK Muneer and PK Kunhalikutty , MP Abdussamad Samadani , former MP , ET Mohammed Basheer , Kerala former Education Minister and designated MP from Ponnani ( Lok Sabha ) , CT Ahammed ali , former Minister , KPA Majeed ,former MLA and VK Abdulkhader Moulavi , IUML Kannur district president at League house during IUML workers meeting after the Lok Sabha election 2009 , Kozhikode / Photo: P Musthafa CLT 2009 May 18 #

Malappuram: The Shihab Thangal Education Research Centre (STERC) would approach the government with the request to include the life of former Muslim League president Panakkad Sayed Muhammad Ali Shihab Thangal in the Kerala School syllabus. They first raised the request at the time of the curriculum revision in 2011 and the request was not considered at that time.

“Shihab Thangal had led an educational renaissance in Malabar. We will approach the next curriculum revision committe to include the life and reforms brought by Thangal in various sectors in the text books,” said Abdulla Vavoor, director of the STERC.

Panakkad Sayyid Munavvar Ali Shihab Thangal, son of Muhammad Ali Thangal and the President of the Youth League, said that rather than being a politician, Thangal was a visionary with international exposure. STERC is organising a national seminar on Wednesday at Malappuram to promote the ideologies of Muhammed Ali Thangal.

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