Actor Mukesh's Kochi home searched in rape case

Mukesh. Photo: Manorama

Kochi: Police on Saturday searched actor Mukesh's house in Kochi as part of the investigation into the alleged rape case against him. The complainant was also brought to the Kollam MLA's house in Maradu for evidence collection. Despite the investigation team's request, Mukesh had not handed over the key to the house earlier, so the officials had to return without inspecting it yesterday evening.

Though the cries for Mukesh's resignation as MLA have gotten stronger, the CPM has decided to back him until found guilty. The party even believes the case will vanish once it reaches the court. The actor said the complaint was politically motivated and an attempt to blackmail him. He intimated the same to the chief minister and told him he had the WhatsApp messages sent by the complainant threatening him.

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