'Will reveal co-star's identity when time's right,' actor after testifying in sexual harassment case

Illustration: Manorama

Thiruvananthapuram: Another actor gave her statement to the special investigation team after filing a sexual harassment complaint against a co-star on Wednesday. She mentioned that due to pressure from her family and community, she is currently unable to disclose against whom the complaint has been filed. She added that she would reveal the details when the time is right and she needs time to convince her family. The actor also recalled how her son had jokingly said they would celebrate Onam with the media this year.

The accused individual has not contacted her so far. However, she has been receiving phone calls from unknown numbers at midnight, including from numbers falsely labelled as belonging to the DGP. She requested that no one should threaten her, assuring that she would speak out when necessary. The actor concluded by saying that she spoke out because she had been subjected to an injustice.

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