Thanks for criticism, taking moral responsibility: Mohanlal in AMMA resignation letter

Mohanlal, AMMA's press release

Kochi: In light of sexual harassment allegations against certain office-bearers of the executive committee, Malayalam actor Mohanlal has announced his resignation from the position of President of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA), citing moral responsibility. Mohanlal clarified the reasons behind the executive committee's decision to step down in a press release printed in the official letter head of the association. Incidentally, the name of actor Siddique, who recently resigned from the post of AMMA General Secretary following sexual allegations, still features in the official letter head of the association.

The statement also mentioned that a general body meeting will be convened within two months to elect a new executive committee. Until then, the current committee will continue to function temporarily to ensure that the organisation's routine operations, such as the disbursement of financial aid and healthcare assistance, proceed without disruption.

Here's a translation of the press release:

"Following the release of the Hema Committee report and widespread media attention regarding sexual harassment allegations against some office-bearers, the current AMMA executive committee is resigning out of moral responsibility.

A general body meeting will be held within two months to elect a new executive committee. Until then, the current committee will function temporarily to ensure that monthly financial aid and healthcare assistance to AMMA’s respected members continue uninterrupted.

We are optimistic that AMMA will have a new leadership capable of renewing and strengthening the organization. We extend our gratitude to everyone for their criticism and corrections.

The existing executive committee will continue as a temporary setup until the general body convenes, ensuring the regular operations of the office and uninterrupted support for AMMA’s members."


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