AMMA resignations: Shweta backs Prithviraj for President, Bhagyalakshmi calls for 50% women representation

Bhagyalakshmi, Shwetha Menon. Photo: Manorama

Thiruvananthapuram: The mass resignation of the executive committee of AMMA (Association of Malayalam Movie Artists) was welcomed by many members of the film fraternity on Tuesday. While dubbing artist and actor Bhagyalakshmi called for a 50 per cent women representation in the next executive committee, Shwetha Menon opined that younger actors like Prithviraj should helm the organisation in the next phase.

Bhagyalakshmi has welcomed the mass resignation, calling it a necessary and commendable decision in light of the sexual harassment allegations faced by several office bearers. "It is the responsibility of the committee to step down when facing such serious allegations. More names are surfacing with each passing day. The decision to address the concerns of the organisation's members is the right one. Those facing allegations must cooperate with the investigation, and it is up to them to decide how to proceed individually," she said. She urged those who have raised complaints to file formal reports with the police and pursue legal action. "Those who have spoken out should also file complaints with the police and exhaust all legal avenues," she added. Bhagyalakshmi also proposed that 50% of the new office bearers in AMMA should be women.

Meanwhile, Shweta Menon expressed shock at the collective resignation of the executive committee, including President Mohanlal. She called for new leadership and suggested Prithviraj as a potential candidate for the president's role.

"The resignation of Mohanlal and the entire committee was unexpected," Shweta Menon said. "It's time for new people to step up. I had earlier suggested Prithviraj as president, and I stand by that."

Following the release of the Hema Committee report and the subsequent allegations by female actors, the executive committee of AMMA resigned en masse. Shweta praised the courage of the women who came forward, saying, "I salute the women who have spoken up. It's a big deal that so many have come forward."

She also expressed the need for continued reforms within AMMA. "The law should take its course. The fact that so many women have bravely spoken out is a significant development. A woman who can take on the responsibility should be brought into the leadership as an office bearer. Gradually, AMMA needs a cleansing process."

Shweta Menon acknowledged the pressures Mohanlal faced, saying, "It's painful to see someone like Mohanlal face such immense pressure. The resignation of the entire committee is shocking. Now, it's time for new leaders to emerge."

She concluded by reiterating her desire for change in the organization. "In the upcoming general body meeting, I hope to see more women stepping forward, and I hope for a woman to become the next president. Mohanlal was supportive of this idea when I previously suggested it. This is a good move, and the new office bearers will have significant responsibility. I believe the next generation of leaders should take charge, and I continue to hope that Prithviraj will lead the way as the next president."

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