Ready to confront power groups to uphold testimony against Ranjith: Joshy Joseph

Sreelekha, Joshy and Ranjith. File Photos.

Director Joshy Joseph on Sunday expressed his strong support for Bengali actor Sreelekha Mitra's allegations against director Ranjith, declaring his commitment to uphold his testimony. "I stand by my statement that I witnessed Ranjith's misconduct towards Sreelekha," Joshy said, acknowledging the risks of challenging a powerful faction within the Malayalam film industry.

Joshy recalled that it was the late actor Thilakan who first warned him about a 'mafia' within the industry, “a claim that was echoed in the recent Hema Commission report, which identified a 15-member power group. With one of these members now stepping down, I understand the need to proceed carefully as I confront this influential mafia."
Read More: Bengali actor's allegation: Director Ranjith steps down as Kerala Film Academy Chairman

Joshy shared that Sreelekha had confided in him about her exhaustion with the situation. "She mentioned that the removal of such individuals could lead to the collapse of 75-80% of the industry. Her goal is to see the industry cleansed for the greater good."

Joshy also expressed doubt that the resignation of a single individual would bring about significant change. "Through mutual friends, I've learned that there is more to this than what I have personally witnessed. I can now sense the unseen forces at play. I know I'm confronting a very powerful group."

He credited the Hema Commission report and its release for creating a conducive environment for Sreelekha to come forward with her allegations. He also praised the Women in Cinema Collective (WCC), emphasizing that the group is more than just a female collective. "They clearly demonstrate how one should be judged solely by their craft and talent, not by gender biases," he concluded.

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