Kerala Police bring back Assamese girl who ran away from Thiruvananthapuram home

The 13-year-old was found in Visakhapatnam by members of a Malayali association there. Photos: Screengrab/Manorama News

The 13-year-old girl from Assam who was found in Visakhapatnam nearly two days after running away from her parents in Thiruvananthapuram has been brought back to the city by the Kerala Police.

The girl will be housed at the shelter home of the Child Welfare Committee in Poojappura on Monday. She will also be produced before a court in Attingal before being allowed to go with her parents. It is understood that the girl and her parents will be given counselling.

The girl was found by members of a Malayali Association in Visakhapatnam. She was housed at an observation home there.

The girl had left the house after her mother beat her. The girl had boarded multiple trains, first reaching Chennai before she was found inside a long-distance train at Visakhapatnam.

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